Please note the following items are prohibited inside of Golden 1 Center. These items must be stored elsewhere or they will either be confiscated or thrown away depending on what type of item.

- Vape pens, cigarettes, and lighters
- Weapons (e.g., firearms, tasers/stun guns)
- Knives of all sizes
- Aerosol cans (e.g., spray paint)
- Bottles or cans
- Backpacks
- Bags larger than 8″x6″x1″
- Food coolers
- Outside food/beverages (baby food/formula permitted)
- Pamphlets, product samples
- Skateboards, rollerblades, bicycles, helmets, chairs
- Laptop computers
- 2-way radios
- Bats and clubs
- Drones
- Balloons, permanent markers
- Cameras: no professional and/or commercial cameras with interchangeable or detachable lenses
- Poles, selfie-sticks, tripods, monopods and missile-like objects that can be thrown
- Signs/Flags/Banners/Posters: may not be larger than 11″ x 17″ or attached to a pole/stick made of wood, metal, plastic, or any other hard material
- Clothing, garments or signs displaying explicit language, profanity or derogatory characterization towards any person(s)
- Illegal substances
- Mace or Pepper Spray
- Frisbees and beach balls
- Laser pointers or any similar devices
- Flashlights of any type or size
- Any noise-making devices (e.g., air horns, whistles, drums, plastic horns, etc.) excluding cow bells for Kings games only
- Fireworks
- Illegal drugs and alcohol
- Audio/Visual recording devices (includes GoPro, Google Glass, Spectacles, etc.)
- Any items arena management deems, in its discretion, to be dangerous